Use "denounce|denounced|denounces|denouncing" in a sentence

1. This Protocol of Accession can only be denounced by denouncing the Alpine Convention.

2. Denouncing her father and the Resistance.

3. 11 Jesus scathingly denounces those religious leaders.

4. All were denounced.

5. Do you denounce?

6. Denounce himself, great God!

7. A prophet denounces sin and foretells its consequences.

8. “A prophet denounces sin and foretells its consequences.

9. " nothing is easier than Denouncing the evildoer.

10. Barry Moore denounces Speaker Pelosi’s attempt to silence Iowa voters

11. Leo refused to denounce me.

12. We should denounce a heresy.

13. They vigorously denounced our negligence

14. What if I denounce myself?

15. It denounced the gladiatorial shows.

16. Amorites: Judgments Denounced Against

17. We must denounce injustice and oppression.

18. But do not denounce him without proof.

19. He denounced her as traitor.

20. Someone denounced him, I think.

21. False prophetesses were denounced too.

22. She denounced vengeance against him.

23. You shouldn't denounce others from time to time.

24. They denounce all attempts at guiding choice.

25. Repeatedly, he denounced them as hypocrites.

26. Officials denounced the settlers' land grab .

27. He denounced the election as a farce.

28. He was denounced as a cheat.

29. The commission was denounced as cosmetic.

30. She strongly denounced the Government's hypocrisy.

31. We denounce the preposterous statement of the warmonger Churchill.

32. I denounce all those that shame this land.

33. the president's political enemies were quick to denounce him.

34. "Protesters heckle Kissinger, denounce him for 'war crimes'".

35. He was publicly denounced as a traitor.

36. Synonyms for Criticizes include censures, condemns, knocks, pans, denounces, blasts, disparages, slams, lambastes and arraigns

37. Catholic bishops denounced the movie as immoral.

38. She denounced him to the secret police.

39. I denounce them to Heaven and to earth.

40. Always there to denounce the system, demand justice.

41. In his campaign speeches, Ford denounced extremism.

42. Mary denounced her husband for bad behavior.

43. Anathematize definition, to pronounce an anathema against; denounce; curse

44. Synonyms: denounce, damn, criticize, disapprove More Synonyms of Condemn

45. The monk chronicler denounced them as devil servants.

46. The boundary changes were denounced as blatant gerrymandering.

47. 2 An informer denounced him to the police .

48. The president Angrily denounced the coup as illegal

49. I denounced you without a shred of evidence.

50. The Chinese government denounced the agreement as illegal.

51. Teleki at once denounced Werth's action as treasonable.

52. Anja eventually denounced him to the secret police.

53. 21 One popular blunder that almost every economist denounces is rent control.

54. She publicly denounced the government's handling of the crisis.

55. The president Angrily denounced the coup as illegal

56. He denounced his neighbour for helping the criminal.

57. Asian Americans, allies rally throughout California to denounce violence and racism

58. Synonyms for Controverts include challenges, contests, defies, denounces, opposes, confronts, queries, argues, calls out and counters

59. Union leaders too have queued up to denounce the reforms.

60. Public Statement by eight Alabama Clergymen Denouncing Martin Luther King's efforts, April 12, 1963

61. His former colleagues have denounced him as a spy.

62. Jesus Christ gives Nephi and others the power to baptize and denounces contention

63. He stressed predestination and denounced allegorical interpretation of the Quran.

64. Some 25(,000 demonstrators denounced him as a traitor.

65. Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule.

66. Speaker after speaker mounted/took the platform to denounce the policy.

67. Many MPs denounced the resolution as a cosmetic exercise .

68. Ronald Reagan, campaigning for the presidency, denounced the treaty.

69. Kim in turn was denounced by Mao's Red Guards.

70. Darwin's theories about evolution were denounced by many people.

71. The woman denounced her neighbor for helping the enemy.

72. The Saturday Review denounced this extraordinary act of vandalism.

73. A Contracting Party which denounces this Convention shall abandon any share in the assets of the Schools.

74. Mr Steve King, leader of the hard left, denounces his fellow-councillors as dunderheads, nincompoops and dolts.

75. Khrushchev's secret speech in 1956 to the Twentieth Party Congress, denouncing Stalin, remained unpublished.

76. Synonyms for Condemning include denouncing, censuring, criticising, criticizing, blaming, reprehending, reproving, upbraiding, attacking and castigating

77. She also urged him to denounce the protest from the pulpit.

78. The Presidency of Bosnia-Hercegovina denounced the move as unconstitutional.

79. Synonyms for Animadverting include fulminating, raging, criticising, criticizing, denouncing, thundering, censuring, ranting, protesting and railing

80. Erasmus Affranchises mightily while unaspirated Finley reduce skimpily or denounce streamingly.